Watch this Climber Bravely Fend off Bear Attack

Never mind the bear, the first shot of this video made my heart do a flippy flop. This guy is hiking at the top of what looks to be a small-ish mountain with some pretty serious drops on either side. He's just bopping along making his way down and next thing you know he looks up and BAM, bear coming at his head.

This climber bravely kicks, punches and screams at the bear as it repeatedly tries to come at him. Luckily the bear was smaller than him, but dang that thing was persistent and it looked pretty dang mean. How he managed to hold on and not lose his balance seems like either a miracle or some incredible skill. The action starts at about 1:00 in the video and only lasts, about 28 seconds but, whew. What a rush. Pretty cool he has the footage to show everybody how he fought off a dang bear and won!

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