Halloween Activities

Email your trick our treat additions to JohnLund@iheartmedia.com 

Carol Yepes via Getty

Panama City: Trunk or Treat on Harrison Avenue10/31 Downtown Panama City! Downtown Businesses have teamed up with The Chainsaw Army, iHeartRadio, Claim Solutions Public Adjusting, and Bay Arts Alliance Presenting Arts Series to bring trick or treating Downtown. There will be projections by Public Eye Soar, activities in Panama City Center for the Arts and TONS of candy! If you’re interested in donating costumes for children who may not have access to one right now or candy, please drop off at Panama City Center for the Arts Monday- Friday 9:00 am- 4:00 pm.F.A.Q. Costume or candy donation physical drop-off location? Center for the Arts - 19 E4th Street, Downtown Panama City

City of Panama City wants to provide a safe place for kids to trick-or-treat. Volunteers will be passing out candy on Wednesday, October 31st from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at four locations:

Oakland Terrace Park, 1900 W. 11th St

Daffin Park, 320 Kraft Ave.

Frank Nelson Soccer Fields, 4105 W. 23rd St.

Rosenwald High School, 924 Bay Ave.

Lynn Haven: Trunk or Treat Sheffield Park

10/31 Due to hurricane Michael we are changing the venue of the Halloween festivities this year to Sharon Sheffield Park from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. We hope you can join us for the Trunk or Treat and have a FUN night out as a family! Please share with your family and friends! 

Panama City Beach

Zoo Boo at Zoo World: 10/28-29 Trick or Treat and party like an animal at ZooBOO! Games, Prizes, Candy, Costumes, and so many fun surprises!Everyone in costume receives a prize!Admission is $13.95 per person or $6.97 for Season Pass Holders(discounts and coupons do NOT apply on event days)

Pier Park Trick or Treating: 10/31 Come to Pier Park on October 31st for a fun filled evening of costumes, trick or treating, and more.Bring the kids trick or treating in a safe environment, going store to store for goodies. Also, bring the family pet all dressed up for some yummy treats. 

From the Gulf County Sheriff's Office:


Port St. Joe:

Monster Mash will be held from 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM EST at Port St. Joe Elementary School.

Events such as horseback riding, games, haunted halls, face painting, bounce houses, and more will take place in the grassy area between the School and the football field. This event is free to the public.


Fall Festival at North Florida Child Development Center will be from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM.

Second Street will be blocked off to allow PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC ONLY for trick-or-treating from the fire station to East River Road from 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM CST.

From all of us here at Gulf County Sheriff's Office we hope you have a safe and fun Halloween! We are always here should you need us!

Per the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce:

» Bascom: There will be a trunk-or-treat on Tuesday, Oct. 30 from 5-7 p.m. at the Bascom Town Hall.

» Cottondale: Door-to-door trick-or-treating has been cancelled. There will be a trunk-or-treat on Oct. 31 from 5-7 p.m. at the Cottondale High School football field. There will be a trunk-or-treat on Oct. 31 from 5-7 p.m. at Sapp Church.

» Graceville: Door-to-door trick-or-treating has been cancelled. There will be a trunk-or-treat at Graceville High School on Oct. 30 from 5-6 p.m. before the Marianna/Graceville football game. Autumn Fest at the Civic Center has been cancelled.

» Grand Ridge: Trunk-or-treat at Providence Baptist Church on October 31st from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm.

» Malone: There will be a trunk-or-treat on Wednesday, Oct. 31 from 6pm to 8pm at Friendship Baptist Church hosted by Friendship Baptist Church and Malone First Baptist Church. Malone Fire Rescue will be passing out candy at the fire station Wednesday Oct 31st beginning at 5:30 PM.

» Marianna: The police department has cancelled door-to-door trick-or-treating and wants any community activities to be done by 7:30 p.m. There will be a trunk-or-treat at Citizens Lodge in Marianna on Nov. 3 from 3-6 p.m.

The Jackson County Sheriffs Office will be open for trick or treating for the children AND we will have various food boxes and other goodies for the adults. **Food boxes are while supplies last.** All goody bags/boxes will be given away on the front lawn of the Sheriff’s Office located at 4012 Lafayette Street, Marianna, Fl., Wednesday , October 31, 2018 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.

» Sneads: Residents are being encouraged to take part in community activities instead of door-to-door trick-or-treating. Sneads Project Graduation will have a haunted house at Sneads Log Cabin starting Oct. 27 and running through Oct 31. Admission is $5. Hours will be 6-10 p.m. today and Halloween, and 6-9 p.m. on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. On Oct. 31, the Sneads Police Department will be open for trick-or-treaters from 5-8 p.m. McDaniels Piggly Wiggly will have a trunk-or-treat from 4:30-6:30 p.m. First Baptist Church in Sneads will have a trunk-or-treat from 5-7 p.m. The American Legion Auxiliary Ladies will give away punch and treats at the Legion Post on Legion Rd from 5-8 p.m. Sneads 1st Baptist Church will be having trunk or treat from 5-7pm. McAlpin Funeral Home will be having trunk or treat as well.

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